Saturday, January 9, 2016

First day in Genoa, Italy, relating to The Optimal Commons

                On our study abroad to Italy! Such an amazing experience so far! Cannot believe we are here. After several hours of flying the adventure had begun. First up, Genoa, Italy. What a beautiful city, with such great company. After we had settled in, unpacked a bit, we had the chance to experience a fantastic tour. Our tour consisted of the beautiful buildings of Genoa and their fascinating history! While in the states my group partner and I read an article titled The Optimal Commons. This article had a lot of information about, well, common area and the distinction between private and public land. The best way to explain the optimal commons would be to relate it to the tour we were gifted with. While on our tour we had come across many popular buildings owned by rich families such as the Della Volta and the Lecavella family. Continuing through the tour we began to walk through narrower roads, it had then occurred to me the significance of the optimal commons, the differences between the two types of roads we were on. These roads are something that everyone uses, whether they live on the skinnier roads or their business is on this road, they all have to use them. Getting materials through these areas could be difficult at times with all the human traffic and just how narrow the roads were. Heading towards the end of our tour we had ended up on a much larger road that our tour guide explained had been the new way to make roads because of the large usage. It is much easier for everyone to get around and gain access to their business or homes as well as other businesses and bringing materials through the roads. It was truly a spectacular getting the chance to experience and understand how the optimal commons worked in everyday lives in Italy, more specifically Genoa. It is an amazing experience being able to indulge in the Italian community. 

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