Monday, January 11, 2016

From Wine Production to Wine Tourism Experience: the Case of Italy. PLU's Econ 215 Takes on Cinque Terre.

What’s the real driving force behind the 2.5 million tourists that come to visit Cinque Terre on average sees in a year? Is it the beautiful costal views, is it the wine, or it is the all-encompassing combination, called culture?

Northern Italy, including Cinque Terre is a main producer of ‘quality wine,’ what does quality wine exactly mean? Well in the article ‘From Wine Production to Wine Tourism Experience: the Case of Italy’ levels and criteria’s are established to identify the highest quality from the rest. The article argues the Cinque Terre is a prime example of the highest quality of wine because it provides the consumer with the whole experience.

Along with a little history lesson, hike to the Terraces, a visit to the winery and guided by the farmer himself, a tourist can get it all. At least our class did. A complementary glass and a day full of getting to know the true heritage of what Cinque Terre wine really is. Having the wine be made by the grapes grown only kilometers away from the cellar that produces and bottles it, in addition to it being a typical wine from this area is what the article argues is the highest quality of wine one can get. 

As many of my classmates and the article can agree it’s the experience that meets the criteria of a quality wine. Seeing and experiencing the true locality of the wine is creates the whole package.

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